This work is featured fiction.
A man died of Hunger yesterday in the City, after spending the whole morning sitting on the pavement, begging and starving. The man that died of Hunger also starved the whole evening of the day before, and the afternoon, and the morning, and the day before that, and the preceding days, as long as he could remember, before he died of Hunger.
The man that died of Hunger was old, and couldn't remember much.
The man died of Hunger sitting down on the pavement, begging and starving, as he did every day after looking for a job, and nobody noticed he had died of Hunger.
The Passer-bys passed by like Passer-bys always do, too fast, and too careless to notice the man had died of Hunger. The Workers were late for Work and were too busy being worried about being late for Work to realize the man had died of Hunger.
The drivers of the Cars kept their eyes at the road and their minds in a paradise, where Rush Hours are a myth, and where they were the only drivers in the whole world, finally free of chaotic Traffic.
The Policemen that walked on the pavement looked at the man that died of Hunger with suspicion, because the Policemen knew he was probably sporting a knife and was a robber in disguise like all men of his Kind always did. The Street Cleaners bred momentary seething hate toward the man that died of Hunger, because the man that died of Hunger dirtied their beautiful streets, probably on purpose, like all men of his Kind always did.
The Mayor of the City was helping his Secretary to write a speech that the Mayor would speak at the new Police Department, and didn't see the man that died of Hunger. The Executive was late for an important meeting so he took a helicopter because the Transit was pretty bad, and didn't see the man that died of Hunger.
A Middle Class Madam passed by the man that died of Hunger with her son and she didn't let her son touch the man that died of Hunger to see if he was awake because she didn't want her son to touch a filthy Hobo, and taught her son that was Bad Behaviour.
But the man that died of Hunger was not a Hobo because the man that died of Hunger had a house. The House of the man that died of Hunger even had two rooms, a bathroom and a bedroom that also was a kitchen. The man that died of Hunger had even seven Children but two of them were dead.
The wife of the man that died of Hunger worked as a maid to a Middle Class man that paid her a minimum Wage because if he paid anymore he wouldn't have money to pay the Electricity Bill, and she didn't know her husband had died of Hunger.
All the Children of the man that died of Hunger were at a public school except for one that ran away from home two years ago and became a prostitute and another that gave up school and started Working to help in the household Income.
But the man that died of Hunger couldn't get a Job because he was old and sick and no one would risk paying expensive Health Insurance. So the man that died of Hunger didn't have enough money.
When night fell, everyone noticed the man that died of Hunger because he stunk but everyone thought the man that died of Hunger usually stank, because he was poor.
But the man that died of Hunger bathed himself from time to time, even though he tried to keep his baths short because Water was too precious to be wasted on the man that died of Hunger.
Every day, after being turned down by each of his future Employers, the man that died of Hunger would sit on the pavement and beg and starve for Money, because Time is Money and if he had Money he'd have more time but Money was too precious to be wasted on the man that died of Hunger
Every day at lunch and dinner the man that died of Hunger would turn down his plate because there was very little Food and he wanted his kids to eat more because Food was too precious to be wasted on the man that died of Hunger.
And on the next day, when most people finally realized the man had died of Hunger and a Reporter said so on TV, people switched the channel because the Film was almost starting and Time is too precious to be wasted on the man that died of Hunger.