
I decided to browse all the 1/5 pages, for the first tome since the last time, when I only read Unicode and Mrs Oradoor (Because of that little discussion I had earlier). And I'm glad I did. This story is not perfect by any standard, and I don't usually rate the stories I read, but I gave it a 3/5 because I think it deserves, and this way, more people will read it. I would've probably give it a 4/5, if it wasn't incomplete.

The best part is the first one, full of non-sequitorial goodness. But the other finished two, with the purposely silly, prosaic and somewhat nonsense events on the second and the intense foreshadowing for a meaningless event on the third, were not at all bad. So, like I said, I don't usually give ratings to stories, but I couldn't simply allow this one to fall in obscurity. --Nonimportant 15:10, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

Non-sequiturs good? YZHSig   20:49, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

Sure. At least I think so. Besides, the other parts still "FLYING BANANA MONSTERS!!!". --Nonimportant 21:11, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

Wow. I'm impressedUser:Serprex 18:40, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Given Literary GoldStarGoldStarGoldStarNoStarNoStarNoStarNoStar, Novelty BlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStar2 by YZHSig   

This is totally random, and has nothing to do with the title. Just like how I hate abstract art....

Given Literary GoldStarGoldStarGoldStarNoStarNoStarNoStarNoStar, Novelty BlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStarBlueStar2BlueStar2BlueStar2BlueStar2BlueStar2BlueStar2 by Nonimportant

Long version on the talk page, for the short version: "Great"...

A total mess. I would rate it 0/5. I did not understand anything. Random, as YZH said. I did not use the rate template, because it does not show "zero" as it has to be. David 02:56, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
