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The fiction wikia welcomes all lovers of Science Fiction to the Science Fiction Portal.

This portal page supports wiki participants who enjoy collaborating to create Science Fiction stories. This is a central place to come for inspiration and technical information that is useful for authors who are creating a Science Fiction story. Also, wiki participants should help provide reader-friendly links from this page to your favorite Science Fiction stories and collaborations.


Finding the Existing Science Fiction already at this Website[]

A central location exists for simply listing the existing Science Fiction stories, see the Archives. That archive page includes some technical information such as story length.

You can also easily browse all categorized Science Fiction content at the Fiction Wikia. If you find a Science Fiction story while browsing at this website, please make sure that it is listed in the Science Fiction archive, that it is categorized as Science Fiction and that there is a link to it from this portal page. See Existing Stories, below on this portal page, for links to existing science fiction stories.

Getting started as an author[]

If you are a new participant at Novelas, the fiction wikia, welcome! If you are new to wiki, then click here for help getting started. You might have already used the "edit button" and made a change to a wiki page. Here at the fiction wiki we collaborate to create stories. If you want to start a new science fiction story please create a link to the new story's page from this page. Have you never created a hyperlink before? It is easy to do. Click here for instructions.


The real fun comes from collaborative story writing. Feel free to contact fellow writers of science fiction and propose new collaborations. Any existing story provides opportunities for collaboration. Even a "complete" story can be modified and improved. Many stories are incomplete and in need of collaborating authors. Science fiction authors can list collaborative projects here:

Existing Stories[]

Short Stories[]

(less than 10,000 words)

Medium Length Science Fiction[]

10,000 to 50,000 words.


More than 50,000 words.

Plot complete[]

  • A Life Once Lived - Ranma ½ Fan Fiction (61,000 words)
  • VirileMail - Aliens arrive and start surfing the internet! (72,000 words)
  • Cellular Civilization - where do new technologies come from? (73,000 words)
  • A Marine's Story - revenge: a band of friends and soldiers hunt down a traitor (76,000 words).
  • Sun of Zartha - Men In Black fan fiction (94,000 words).
  • The search for Kalid - an interstellar search for Master Kalid, head of the Haldus Order. What strange powers does Kalid control and can they be used to stop the raging madman, Set? (138,000 words)
  • Harbinger - Starcraft Fanfic. Follows a developing psychic and his friends and subordinates as they fight the Zerg in a storyline that mirrors that of the Starcraft canon, battling all the way up to the invasion of Aiur with their creativity, knowledge, and talent. (Very long story size at 960+ kb)

Plot still under development[]

  • Strings of Fire - Humans have spread to many star systems and diversity is the rule...or slave? (join the fun)
  • The Price of Freedom - In the semi-distant future, a group of like-minded individuals took to the stars to carve their own destinies. We follow their descendants as they have to deal with an expanding, belligerent Earth Empire as it devours whole planets in its thirst for galactic domination... (join the fun)
  • Oda'eaa - In a distant future, a survivor of an apocalyptic war between the humans, called Rev Langstrat, begins the Narration of an ancient race history, and meets a radical change in his life...

Ideas for stories[]

The fun part of the Fiction Wikia is collaborative fiction writing! Here are some starting points for science fiction collaboration:

Fan Fiction[]

The Fiction Wikia has fanfic inspired by previously existing science fiction in these categories:

  • X-Files - 2 complete episodes, 1 under construction
  • Star Trek - 1 complete episode, 2 under construction
  • Star Wars - 1 under construction
  • Xena - 1 under construction


Authors Note: the content of the The Fiction Wikia is available under the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License), a copyleft license, meaning the content can be copied, modified, and redistributed so long as the new version grants the same freedoms to others and acknowledges the original authors. If you do not accept the GFDL, do not contribute your fiction to this website.



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See Also[]

External links[]
