[since the page is locked] Yun: Yes, I do like it. But I think you should at least save that image in PNG format, or make one that is PNG. I absolutely HATE blurred pictures. F.<話して~!!> 01:48, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
Nice. In that case I think I'll just take the initiative to replace the current main page with it.
I didn't notice any additional blurring of the picture; I think it was my intention to blur the picture to start with, and I think I've since lost the sharper version of the image. If you want to you can create another image to substitute in its place. A PNG image will not prevent blurring if you change the size of the image.
Now more than ever Wikia's slave database is lagging behind the master database, which means for periods of a few seconds at a time the entire site will be barred from editing for it to catch up. Forum:New main page isn't protected.
14:18, 27 January 2008 (UTC)