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Forums: Index > Development > Red Links

In short, there are a lot of them.

In long: There are a whole lot of red links around the wiki. The most common, as far as I can see, are about old guidelines and deleted stories. New guidelines are to be expected with the constant evolution in the way things are done, and I suppose that in a community of writers and our corresponding sensibilities, deleted stories are also not a surprise. But how to deal with it?

For instance, the single review request in Novelas:Reviews is a story that was deleted, old manual was deleted, and there are some links to it. Even the templates page has red links.

Should we keep all that for historical/archival purposes or systematically remove references to pages that no longer exist? If the second one, I will gladly contribute as much as possible with such efforts, 'cuz the cluttering is annoying me. --Nonimportant 17:58, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Seriously, guys, important meeting for anyone that goes by here once a week at least. Who's for letting the red links stand? Who's for a Global War on Red Links?! --Nonimportant 23:22, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

Well I go by here once every other year, does that count? I'm for removing the references to deleted stuff if it does. --Modred. (talk) 15:25, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
I might particularly point out that having 292 links to a non-existent page is somewhat overwhelming. Although I guess one edit to a certain template could fix all of them... --Modred. (talk) 00:39, June 18, 2010 (UTC)
People such as User:Yunzhong Hou should learn that when a page is deleted, it is is the responsibility of the person who performs the deletion to check for existing links to the deleted page. In some other cases, there can be good reasons for having red links to planned pages. --JWSchmidt 06:21, June 18, 2010 (UTC)
Planned pages, yes. But pages that used to exist but were long deleted should, in my opinion, just die a quiet death, and bother us no more. As for Yun, the man is gone, can't ask him to take responsibility now, can we? The ones currently using the wiki should see to it. --Nonimportant 00:34, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

I agree red links to dead pages that shouldn't be resurrected make no sense, still it's sometimes difficult to track down and remove every single red link after a deletion. Proxima Centauri 08:07, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

It's not actually hard at all, What Links Here shows you all of them, then you just have to open them all in tabs and go through them one by one, it's repetitive but it's not hard or anything. --Modred (talk). 13:46, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

Well, seems we got ourselves a consensus then! Don't delete red links for planned pages, but please do to long-dead pages. --Nonimportant 23:32, June 20, 2010 (UTC)