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Forums: Index > Development > New user forum ?

Hello. (If this is the wrong place to ask questions / seek clarification, my apologies in advance. I couldn't find a forum seemingly aimed at new users and Talk:Novelas/Manual is blank.) I like the concept of this wiki but I'm reluctant to sign up. Two reasons - 1) I'm concerned that I'm missing a whole level of 'post-FAQ' material. Learning if subject matter is 'taboo' can't be accomplished solely by reviewing what already exists... I would much rather ask first and submit things "correctly" (format as well as content) instead of guessing and then having things deleted or locked for reasons I could not have known in advance. 2) I was really hoping to discover a Talk page about the "Stringent Rules" of file size. It seems clear that you made the rules you needed to keep from being driven crazy by orphaned work and miscategorized fragments. Perfectly understandable. Your house, your rules. But I've published a bonafide novel and written two others. I can write a 60K novella in a weekend. What I'm not quite getting is why -all- newbie stuff over 45K must be placed in the wrong listing. I have novella-length stuff that hasn't been posted anywhere yet, and I -love- feedback... There's just a couple other little things that I would ask an admin or 'developer' before diving in. So back to question number one - did I miss the active discussion about the wiki where newbies are particularly welcome? Tnx... (-smoker at rocketmail dot com) 17:06, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

There's the "forum:Help desk", but no matter. Okay, let's see if I can answer your questions:

  • The format would be just writing the story, with headers and what else being optional (but, for obvious reasons, paragraphs are good). If it's bigger than 30 kilobytes, you have to write it in different sections, each with less than 30 kb (Like Story/1, Story/2, etc). Then you make a category, that will be the cover page of the story as a whole, with links to each section.
  • As for content, probably anything goes. We even have an incest story (The Secret of Yellow)!
  • Now, if your story still is wrong somehow, don't worry, it is unlikely it will get deleted (Unless it's a conworld). Instead, it will probably be corrected in anything, and someone will mos surely tell you what you did wrong, so that you don't do it in the future (I experienced this first-hand)
  • Now, for admins, that's not with me.

I hope this clarifies everything, if not, feel free to ask more here, in this thread, or here: User:Serprex (He's an admin, and the only one currently active). --Nonimportant 17:34, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

-Much- appreciated, N. (Some places use "help desk" only for problem reporting, and get testy if mere questions are asked. Ya never know.) And again, if I missed the page(s) with the straightforward guidance (sections under 30KB, for ex.) - either I overlooked something obvious -or- there might be a problem with site navigation. I can't be the only one puzzled by what I was supposed to do... and there's no way to know how many others wouldn't ask for help, but got impatient or irritated enough to bail out. Any site will lose some of those folks but a linear start-to-finish FAQ section describing the process here might be of help to others.

Tnx again. (-smoker at rocketmail dot com) 17:48, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

Ya,Yunzhong is the file size freak.The main case we had something like that was when Williamss or something decided to upload PDFs as images instead of porting.Content is free,though it'd be nice if you posted a warning header if things are gna go that way.As for the FAQ,well...tis old and forgottenUser:Serprex 17:51, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

He's right Serp, we gotta revamp the whole manual, faq and stuff. --Nonimportant 18:04, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

Geez...not even like I wrote it(or read it,for that matter)User:Serprex 18:46, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

Maybe we could at least add mister IP's question to the FAQ, only to clarify the limitations on format and content. Some people read the thing. --Nonimportant 19:04, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

You're pretty k3wl, as human beings go. OK, OK, "mister IP" broke down and created an account. Time will tell if you regret your courtesy. (I suppose - once I've lurked and observed the local customs - it would only be fitting for me to help address the need I was dumb enough to identify. No good deed, etc. (from the mammal formerly known as Cor 00:57, 4 June 2007 (UTC)Cor

Hilarious,so you arn't our other new user of today,Stryker?User:Serprex 01:31, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

Nope. Er... It took me a while to find how to create a page (and I'm really not this stupid IRL). /Novelas/Guide finally saved the day. Cor 01:38, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

Uh...First I had to look at the urban dictionary, to know what "k3wl" means. Then I had to look at the Jakartian handbook of extrajarkatian species to find what "human being" means. And then I noticed I am neither. Amazing!
I am also amazed that Stryker wasn't mister IP (You should've chosen that as your user name, by the way). I guess we confused each other mutually with the 60kb novella thing I asked him.
(P.S.: "The more I live, the less I believe in humanity, and the more I believe in Murphy's law," I thing I said that some of these days, and this that happened with mist...Cor has proved my point, detailed guides are a good thing)

For new users unsure of what to do: If you had any works already, you could have started by saying *big smile* "HI! I'm so-and-so and I joined this site because <insert reason here>. That, and I haven't taken my medication for FOUR DAYS! *panting heavily* Here's what I posted on Novelas! <insert link here> PLEASE READ IT LOVINGLY AND RATE IT WELL!"

Note: Do not listen to Blood Orchid. He is insane and suicidal, and he believes the seagulls are planning a revolution against Canadian geese. [They are so!!] *slap!* [ow...]. You have been warned.

Also, Serprex, why are you so against newly registered users creating conworlds? I don't see what's wrong with it really. F.<話して~!!>02:28, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

Well,lets just say too many came,started a conworld on their own instead of colabing and then just...leftUser:Serprex 02:30, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

I've created Novelas/Newcomers, a starter guide for those eager to jump in on the project. Check it out... and tell me if it's good, okay? YZHSig   13:41, 25 July 2007 (UTC)