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Forums: Index > Development > Monaco

Greetings everyone,

Do you want the site default to switch over to Monaco?


  • Wider article width
  • I've already customized its sidebar for easier use
  • The sidebar has menus! So I've made one for 1) popular, 2) templates, 3) forum, 4) archives
  • Fewer links (I don't think you even use the creativity / archives links on the right sidebar)
  • Hub links are in menu form in the corner so we save more space
  • Less space wasted by ads


  • Top navbar is empty (waste of space)
  • Pointless Languages section in sidebar

Also, I'm trying out the shout box (widget) so let's get onto it and see if we can get it to work. (You might need Monaco for that.)

Cheers, YZHSig   14:23, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Seems alright, though the menus have these ugly red lines between the options for meUser:Serprex 15:20, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Well, to put it simply: No. F.<話して~!!> 15:21, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Why not? You might have caught it while I was in the midst of altering the colors. The red lines were a case in point, it's my method for finding out what a line of code does (by setting color="#FF0000" to get red). If you don't like the colors you can change them yourself.

Cheers, YZHSig   15:42, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Eh, I just don't like it. I'll stick with Sapphire quartz, thank you very much. F.<話して~!!> 15:44, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Ya, red lines were fixed soon after. I like this look more than Quartz, Quartz was a tad too maximalist for me. Also, did you make the font lighter? I'd think a light contrast would go best with darker background and brighter foreground, but I suppose I haven't looked into the differences enough to have a truly well formed opinion. Just noting strain while trying to read that Isaac Newton storyUser:Serprex 15:47, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Is there a link to the Main Page on the sidebar I haven't noticed or there isn't any link at all? It gets kinda boring have to search for the main page all the time. --Nonimportant 15:56, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

Just imagine the link and click it with your eyes closed... David 21:12, 6 May 2008 (UTC) now we don't have popular pages (never understood how that worked, it kept giving silly results) but still don't have the main page. Shouldn't we put a link to it on the sidebar? --Nonimportant 01:27, 9 May 2008 (UTC)

Greetings Nonimportant,

No. The main page is directly accessed by most newbies to this site, being the page connected to the rest of Wikia. It also is a pointless page to go to for non-newbies. For those who want to return to it, clicking on the site logo (Wiki wide.png) will bring you there. So that link you're asking for is actually much larger than any link we can make on the sidebar. Anyone who knows about wikis will also know that the picture is a link to the main page. Hence, no need to waste space like that.

Cheers, YZHSig   01:44, 9 May 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, it's not like we have lots of unused space on the sidebar, we can't waste it like that, with an useful link that every wiki from wikipedia to this one a day ago has it. Seriously, though, I never knew that. And a newbie, by definition, probably also won't. And, while we're at the topic of wasting space, what about that "Popular pages" section that don't seem that has no popular page in it at all? --Nonimportant 02:27, 9 May 2008 (UTC)

Uh...I was not implying that we need to take popular pages out, only that we should apply the same standards and have all useful pages, no matter how we believe it to be marginal, on the sidebar. However, I am prepared to concede this point, if taking the main page link off is so important for you. --Nonimportant 20:59, 10 May 2008 (UTC)

I'd just like to agree with Nonimportant on this point, the logo being a link seems a bit like a hack job to meUser:Serprex 00:05, 11 May 2008 (UTC)