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Removal of Imagipedia Categories[]

My rationale for doing this:

  1. There was already an Imagipedia category.
  2. The other categories were too small (like fewer than 8 entries) to be useful
  3. Each page had a whole string of categories.
  4. Some larger categories (such as Imagipedia (Subject) and Imagiworld) were simply rehashes of the Imagipedia category.
  5. Imagipedia wasn't large enough to warrant so many categories anyway.
  6. Some categories were trivial.

--Yunzhong Hou 00:47, 14 December 2006 (UTC)


Basically, each page should have around 6 categories.

For main pages: list all categories under Category:Main.

  1. Only the category: Category:Help, Category:Guide to Writing, Category:Links, Category:Forum, Category:Page deletion

For project pages: list all categories under Category:Projects.

  1. The category: Category:The Neverending Wiki Categories, Category:BOEN, Category:Interactive Fiction, Category:Imagipedia, Category:WikiStory, Category:Fan Fiction, misc.
  2. The subcategory:
    1. If Neverending Wiki, then subcategory: Category:Regions, Category:Arcanery, Category:Bestiary, Category:History, etc.
    2. If Interactive Fiction, then subcategory: Category:Atrapado, Category:Quest, Category:WorldWiki, Category:3Wishes, Category:Rose Hollow, etc.

For stories: list all categories under Category:Stories.

  1. The categories:
    1. Ratings: One of the following: 1,2,3,4,5 out of 5
    2. Genre: One of the following: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Horror, Alternate History, Realism, Science Fiction, Gothic (others can be added later)
    3. Format: Short Stories, Novelas, Outlines (ie. timelines and drafts), Poetry, Scripts
    4. Related topic: ie. the relevant fanfic topic, Neverending Wiki, Miscellaneous, Wikistory
  2. The subcategory: the name of the actual work (only if it extends to at least 2 pages, in which case it (generally) qualifies as a novela, rather than as a short story)

I really don't like "collaborative writing" as a category because on a wiki, everything is collaborative. There's just no getting around that. --Yunzhong Hou 22:06, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

On second consideration, if in the future the number of stories/project pages becomes more than a thousand, etc., posting them all on the Projects category etc. will not be of much use. So instead, let's have the Projects and Stories pages contain only subcategories--no pages--and have the subcategories then lead to articles. It'll be neater that way. --Yunzhong Hou 22:59, 14 December 2006 (UTC)