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Just a short and simple proposition: Sort Archives by percent of work's completion instead of date added, or <better but more difficult to do> use sortable tables to present the results.

Sorting by completion would make choosing works to read far simpler - I find it bit distracting that I have to dig through dozens of works just to find these few that are completed -_-

Sortable tables would allow simpler finding of fanfics related to single universe in archives (just sort by fanfic and you got it), sift works at early stage of completion, finding all works of given type by one author, finding shortest stories, and so on, all of this on one page what would make life much easier.

What do you think? SkywalkerPL 11:59, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

Perfect... except, who's got the code for that? YZHSig   12:34, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

hehe, that's always a problem. Well... I can try if you don't mind. SkywalkerPL 13:00, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

Feel free to try. Wikipedia has sortable tables, so the issue is more making an archive tab called Completed?. That shouldn't be too hard, just would require effort to fill in all the tabs. Unless someone makes a bot which checks if the story is in Category:Complete User:Serprex 13:41, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

ok, so, this would work like this, only sorting by Completion doesn't work in good way as this would require adding invisible number before the image (currently it sorts by path to image, not name of it). Also to "make it happen" I would have to edit Work template as well as all archive pages, so it would be good to have everything agreed before this ;)
So... for sure the colors have to be changed, as well as size of font and maybe also the name of "Completion" column, best to something like "%" (isn't it too unclear?).
Feel free to discuss :) I must go now. SkywalkerPL 14:25, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
Uki, I made bit more formatting out there. Only thing left is to add margins, but this I'll do if the idea will be accepted, as that would bring huge mess now.
Meanwhile I came with one idea more - maybe we'll color backgrounds of lines with stories according to percent of competition - 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% ? - this would somewhat "promote" completed stories. What you think guys? SkywalkerPL 08:46, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Would save a column. Make formatting messier though. Maybe not if you use some #expr on the inputUser:Serprex 14:07, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Output formatting, in final version isn't a problem at all as noone sees that - we still would use templates for user-side, when all the code would be hidden - only editors see it when pressing [edit] on template page (just like current Work template is - all the code is hidden from editors, what they see is simple template) SkywalkerPL 16:09, 10 July 2008 (UTC)